The mind is made of mindless components, and the magic spark is not present in each component, but in the way they work together. Marvin Minsky

I design and build user-interfaces, distributed services, and generative A.I apps.

My first program was lotus 123. I scored 100 and remember sitting in the lab of my high school after hours. In college, I got paid to write code by a few friends who were lazy to finish their own projects, and knew right then I want to code for a living.

I value software craftsmanship, the pursuit of design, and the poetic moment. With two decades of software engineering and leadrship experience, I've built software for creative agencies, large banks and fintech, and early-stage tech startups, and more recently helped scale Global Payments at Amazon. In 2013, after more than a decade of wrting professional software, I fell in love with Clojure, a modern dialect of lisp, that I began to like programming again. We programmers are weird sometimes: we like to learn new languages that expand our minds, the ways you want to expand consciousness.

Once you understand lisp, you get wings for the rest of your (programming) career. It was true for me anyway.

I ran a boutique consulting studio for six years, facjure , working mostly remote, living my dream and having more time for my art projects and travel. Until one day the pandemic hit in 2020 ...

I also speak five human languages and my mother tongue is a dialect of sanksrit.

As an opensource committer I enjoy reading and trying out libraries. Read one hundred books, write one says a liberal arts college. The same is true for programming. I enjoy coding, like I enjoy writing.

My ongoing reaearch project in my studio is an artificial editor for writers on the browser and blockchain with cryptonomics. If you love literature and lisp, let's meet in MomA or go to a hike in the redwoods and talk about it.

I'm also on LnkdIn, maybe outdated.

Conference Talks

Building async data pipelines
Clojure Remote, The Internet, 2017

On building higher level abstractions for managing robust data pipelines in core.async and amazon sqs.

Caching half-a-billion transactions
Clojure West, Seattle, 2016

On writing your own application caching layer for scaling a Platform in Clojure.

Protocol-Oriented Programming
Clojure Remote, The Internet, 2016

On the emerging paradigm of Protocol-Oriented programming in Clojure & Clojurescript, with references to OO Programming.

React—Life without MVC
Forward Web, San Francisco, 2015

On leaky abstractions of MVC frameworks and primitives of React in Clojurescript.

Fullstack Clojure & Cljs, from Databases to Stylesheets
Lambda Conf, Boulder, 2015

On using FP all the way: from database queries, routes, and http apis to designing templates and stylesheets in Clojure & Clojurescript.

Responsive Grids with Clojurescript
Clojure West, Portland, 2015

On my experiments with responsive typography using Clojurescript's functional primitives and abstractions on CSS.

Unified User Interfaces with Clojurescript
ForwardJs, San Francisco, 2015

On unifying HTML5, Less or Sass, and Javascript workflows using Clojurescript, with its expressive syntax and live-designing environments.

Jvm Languages ScriptBowl, JavaOne
JavaOne, San Francisco, 2014

Represented the Clojure panel, thanks to StuartHalloway along with five Jvm language geeks. I tied with Groovy!

Poem as Value
Clojure West, San Francisco, 2014

An experimental prototype on curating poems from the public domain using Clojure, Python, jQuery and Clojurescript, with a custom text parser.